Protect your investment by having your mattress Clean Sleep Certified. You no longer have to replace your mattress every 7 years with Clean Sleep beside you.
If you are encountering mattress problems, besides structural issues, chances are we can help.
Our service provides a not only cost-effective, but also environmentally friendly alternative to purchasing a new mattress.
To get an idea, compare the average prices of a queen mattress set. Although trends show an overall reduction in cost, our Clean Sleep service is still on average $1500 less.
Extend the life of your mattress with a regular cleaning.
A good mattress these days is expensive, and SHOULD last you years upon years. But wear, decay, sweat, and bacteria all work together to break down your mattress even down to the very fibers, most of which can be prevented or slowed down with a regular mattress cleaning and sanitizing. That is how you may be treating your mattress! Due to all of the variables described above, such as frequency of use and care, weight and sleeping habits of the user, and quality of mattress, the life span of your mattress can vary anywhere from 3 years on up to 10 years. You should carefully consider extending the life of your mattress with a regular cleaning and sanitizing of your mattress!
Mattress Allergy Relief
A significant part of the quest towards allergy relief resides in your surrounding environments: both indoors and outdoors. In households, dust-mite-related allergens are most common. They can cause a restless night’s sleep which has been proven to be linked to decreased productivity and concentration during the day. The link between sleep quality and overall effectiveness is not emphasized with the fast-paced lifestyles many have today. Nevertheless, clearing the obstacles to good rest and sleep hygiene can lead to positive health benefits.
Dust Mite Allergen Concentration
The prevalence of asthma has increased steadily since 1980. This increase has been linked to the time people are spending indoors increasing by 90%, which have caused many to conclude there is a significant link between the indoor environment and asthma.
Pet Allergies
Household pets including cats, dogs, rodents, and birds may present special problems for people with allergies. Large amounts of dander become airborne when the animal rubs against furniture and when you brush or pet them. This substance is very difficult to remove from an environment. Dander also contributes to another allergy problem: it serves as a food supply for dust mites.
Clean Sleep Technology Targets Identified Indoor Allergens
Our multistage technology is highly effective at allergen reduction and removal. Our service technicians will promptly show up at your home, transport the mattress outside, and place it inside our Clean Sleep Machine where the action begins. Your mattress will be left dry and ready upon completion.
Impact on Children
Children’s immune systems are vulnerable to attacks. Therefore, the cleanliness of your child’s mattress is crucial during their developmental stages; it is is one of the leading causes of asthma. Research suggests children who sleep on old mattresses during the first year of their life are more at risk of developing breathing disorders such as asthma. A study by The University of Auckland showed that wheezing at ages 3.5 and 7 years was more common in children who slept on a used mattress in the first year of life.
Spending so much time in bed, have you ever thought about the health effects that your mattress has on you? You spend hours upon hours a day, upwards of 3,000 hours a year just inches from your mattress! That’s a lot of time your body has to breathe in microbes and contaminates!
Mattress Covers and Protectors
If you choose to utilize mattress covers, it is still imperative that the mattress is cleaned properly prior to enclosing it. Otherwise you risk trapping everything inside of the cover. Articles in Reuters Health and other sources cite research from Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine in New Orleans that finds expensive mattress covers make no difference in reducing dust mite allergies or their symptoms. The articles go on to say that doctors continue to recommend expensive mattress and pillow covers despite the absence of evidence they relieve the problem.
Potential health hazards of sleeping on an unclean mattress
Would you wash your clothes and wear them without ever taking a shower? Of course not! But we wash our linens and replace them on our mattresses without ever cleaning the mattress itself?
Spending all that time in close proximity to an unsanitary mattress can lead to a number of potential health concerns for you and your family. The most prominent concerns are allergies, chronic asthma, and other breathing and airway problems. Our 5-step cleaning process includes a high-powered air vacuum that removes any dust and debris from the surface of your mattress with tremendous force, after killing microbes with several tactics. This keeps the surface of your mattress free of any particulates that could affect your airway, leaving you free to sleep soundly.